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Our Institute has constantly worked to foster intercultural dialogue and mutual knowledge in a serene and peaceful climate of exchange.Those who know and frequent our centre know all cultures are welcomed and respected, without any distinction of origin and beyond any political conflict.

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Online Conference: “Russian Rome” and The October Revolution Category:Archive,Literary café| Created on:

The conference is dedicated to the theme of Russian Rome in the aftermath of the October Revolution: the period between 1917 and 1922 represents, in fact, a particular moment in the life of the Roman Russian colony. The streets of the eternal city breathe the air of Russia: it is not only the presence of Russians in Rome, but the short ‘flowering’ of a ‘Russian Rome’.

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Online Festival of Russian Cinema from December 19th to 22th 2020. Category:Archivio,Cultural activities| Created on:

On the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the victory over Nazi fascism (9 May 1945- 9 May 2020), our Institute, in collaboration with Mosfilm and Sandro Teti Editor and with the sponsorship of the Forum of Italian-Russian Dialogue, has scheduled the Russian Film Festival “Wait for me and I will return”, from December 19 to 22. In full compliance with Covid-19 regulations, all projections will be streamed.

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Saturday 18 December, Christmas toast Category:Archive,Cultural activities| Created on:

Dear friends, you are all invited to make a Christmas toast 2021 at our headquarters in Via del Viminale 43 in Rome. We will celebrate together with all of you, students and friends, at 18:00 and at 19:00 we will screen the film “Le notti bianche” (“The White Nights”) (1957) by Luchino Visconti, with Marcello Mastroianni.

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“Master and Margherita”: a theatrical research project Category:Archivio,Cultural activities| Created on:

The theatrical research project on “Il Maestro e Margherita” is born from the awareness that Bulgakov’s novel contains in itself, prophetically, all the challenges of the contemporary, those that characterize our present. In our
work we will tell the disruptive force of the great Russian novel, that sudden and surreal breakthrough of a divine justice that descends to Earth to reveal meanness, arrival of an apparent normality and to unleash chaos.

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Italian language courses Category:| Created on:

Our Institute organizes italian language courses for russian speakers since 1991. Our staff of italian […]

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Home Category:| Created on:

testo per la home institute of russian culture and language ИНСТИТУТ РУССКОГО ЯЗЫКА И КУЛЬТУРЫ […]

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